Saturday, December 1, 2012

World Aids Day 12.1.12

Today December 01, people all around the world will come together as one not only to mark the 24th annual World Aids Day, but to make a difference. People today work together to raise awareness on how to prevent HIV and to ensure they take action. They are also raising hope and helping out those who sadly have already been affected. There are 33 million people infected around the globe by HIV/Aids. There are many lives that have been touch by it and today we can get to zero, one person at a time!

But, how can we do it when we are simply one?? Easy, gather your friend, parents, schools spread the word, tell them of the actions they must take in preventing HIV/AIDS. Do fundraisers that can be of help to HIV/AIDS organizations, and encourage others to do the same. Remember we have 365 days for us, spare one day for others. Focus on others problems and helping out at least one of those days and today could be a good way to start. Make a difference!! If you are intresting in learning and finding more ways on how you can help this cause visit!!

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