Monday, December 24, 2012

One Year & Counting

ITS OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! I cant believe it has been one year since I wrote my first post on this blog. I remember that day as if it was imprinted in my brain so I can never forget. It started with just your average boy thinking of what he wanted to do with his life and in the end decided to create this blog to express himself and his thoughts. To express the great things life can offer and to one way or another bring a smile to a random reader throughout the world. Thank you!! A thousand times, thank you, to all those readers that keep reading and sharing. Love you guys with every molecule in my body!! Looking foward for this coming year, hope you guys are ready cause some changes are coming to the blog!! (Good ones! :) VB Production and I cant express how grateful we are!! Hope you have a marvelous day with fam. and friends!! 

Merry Christmas and happy ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22, 2o12

Today was a pretty long day!! Woke up early, to see my beautiful dog on my bed. Spoke with a couple of my crew and talked about the upcoming anniversary of the blog. Worked on some applications for university, and wrote a morning post. At noon I got ready to go do some last minute Christmas shopping and had a great time in the stores. Went to the mall's local Starbucks and bought myself a coquito frappuccino! ;)
Walked around and marveled the Christmas decorations and then headed back home. On my way home I took a beautiful sunset picture of the road, once home started wrapping all of the gifts!! God I cant wait for Christmas Eve!!

Hoy fue un día muy largo!! Me despierto temprano para ver a mi  hermosa perra acostada en mi cama  Hable con mi equipo a ver que podíamos hacer para el aniversario del blog. Al mediodía me prepare para hacer unas compras navideñas de ultima hora. En  el mall vi un Starbucks y me compre un Coquito frappuccino! ;)
Camine un poco y vi las decoraciones y me fui para casa! De camino a casa le tome una foto al atardecer y cuando llegue empece a envolver los regalos!! Dios mio no puedo esperar hasta la víspera de navidad! 

Easy Breakfast for those Early Wakers

A great way to start your morning is by having a great breakfast with coffee!! ( Or tea, or hot chocolate idk. You guys decide its your morning it need to go the way you want it to be! But I love coffee so yeah! hahaha) Today as a present from VB Productions to you guys we want to share our easy breakfast recipe! We eat this the days we happen to be in a rush and need to go bolting out the door really early in the morning for a photo-shoot or film. Its really easy to make and its done in a matter of minutes! 

The things you will need are:

1. Two Eggs
2.  Two slices of Ham (Any type of ham!)
3. Cheese (Any type of cheese as well!! I personally like swizz.)
4. Salt & Pepper, the perfect yin & yang!
5. Two slices of Bread
6. Butter or Olive oil (Or both!!)

Lets get Cooking:

1. You place a  nonstick pan on top of the stove and add about one tablespoon of butter or olive oil! We want to create a light cover to soften the surface of the pan so the eggs can come out nice and soft. Turn the stove on, and put it in low medium. 

2. Crack open your eggs into the pan. If the olive oil starts spitting that means you have the fire to high, lower it. In a few seconds the egg will start changing color. Cook till the whites of the eggs are set and good to go, and the yolk is still runny. While your eggs cook put your slices of bread on the toaster and wait for them to toast.

3. With your spatula flip over the egg and wait 20 seconds to make an over-easy egg. This will cook a bit of the other side but it will leave the yolk runny. If you want the egg yolk to be harder than leave it there for one minute. If breads are done being toasted, place the slices on a plate. Lower the fire on the pan and with a spatula remove your eggs and place them on top of the bread. 

4. Grab your two slices of ham and place them on the pan. Wait a few seconds till the side of the ham is a bit golden. Flip and wait for the other side to be golden as well. Once done turn the stove off and remove the slices of ham. Roll them up and place them on top of your eggs. Grab a small handful of pepper and salt and apply to the surface of your eggs and ham, to give it a bit of more taste. And bam your done!! 

To complement your easy breakfast, you can buy cupcakes  or fresh fruits from your supermarket or local markets. Adding another healthy choice to your morning! (The cupcake I had was a pumpkin one, mmm it was so good!) Hope you enjoy this recipe from the crew of VB Productions!! Enjoy and "Buen Provecho" ( Enjoy your meal!)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

La Feria!

Ah the fair!! it is the closest thing Puerto Rico will ever have to an amusement park. Sadly it comes once a year, at the beginning of Christmas till the end of June. The fun thing about this fair is that I really don't remember much about it! I remember my last visit was like two years ago, and I had a great time. Couldn't get on everything but I had a great time. This year I got on everything to the point that they shut down the amusement park in order for us to realize they were closing down. In other words they kicked us out. 

What I love about the fair is the fact that its functions as a portal to the old world. To the time where people listened to Elvis Presley and admired Marilyn Monroe . A time where teens where starting to be independent. A period of TV and radio rising to fame. A period known as the golden age of America, the fifties!!

One thing that shocked me about this fair was that they had bump cars and the old ones!! You don't see those anymore to the point that I saw elderly people making the line to ride with their grand kids. Why wouldn't they?? That was one of their rides in their times. So an overall of everything, it was a really great experience. I made friends with an Emu (Bird like animal that has huge similarity to an ostrich) and played with my fellow VB Production team!! Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for everything Nana, Sami, Bianca & Scott love you guys!! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tips For When Buying New Clothe

If you know your closet youll know what works with what you have. Youll know what your missing and what you need! If you go to buy clothe with the right company you will most likely make better choices than buying with someone that is constantly rushing you. Plus youll have a lest possibility of making a bad choice! 
Take pictures when you try out your clothe in the changing booth that way you can see your clothing and how it looks through the eyes of a camera. That way you ca say if you like it and if you feel comfortable with it!

Know yourself! If you know who you are and what you love, you wont have a problem choosing your clothing. Find your style, find what suits you. For last ask yourself the golden questions. If your clothing pass through each of this challenges than your clothing is perfect for you! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Changing booth the New Photo Booth

Now a days finding a good photo booth can be quite a journey. Especially now, that technology is rising and most of the stuff we couldnt do, now we can with just a click of the finger. So for those who have a bit of a vintage nostalgia and want to keep following the traditions with your own modern twist, I am going to tell you guys one of my versions of a photo booth which so happens to be a changing booth!! 

When I go on a shopping rampage, I am the first willing to try new clothe. I am obsessed with jackets and its many families like sweaters, cardigans, hoodies, etc. Therefore when I choose all of the clothe (or jackets!) I want to try, I call for a worker and tell them "i wish to try the clothe on." The workers ever so kindly open the door to the changing booth not knowing what is to happen in there. I go in and boom!! The booth is my own personal photo studio, I go crazy with the camera and take as many photos as I want. There is a reason for it! Ill explain later in another post.

Once done trying out the clothe I look at the pictures and decide what im taking and what stays. Then with the many apps we have now a days for editing, I give the pictured a bit of lomo-ish, vintage feel to it. One way or another creating my own personal photo booth in a changing booth!

I encourage you guys to try it out and send the pictures to us so we can make a collage and show it on the blog!! Looking forward to hear from you guys!! You can send them via:

Twitter: here! 
Facebook: here!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tips from Bosch: Loving yourself will help you love others!

I figured since today is 12-12-12 and people are speculating its the end of the world why not take a last picture for the blog. But the difference about this picture among others that I have taken is that this one is really simple. Simple pose and my really shitty and yet simple webcam and me!! No fixing makeup at last minutes, no combing my hair, nada, nothing! Its just me in my favorite holiday hoodie and drinking great coffee! I didn't even brush my teeth before taking this picture, lol!! I wanted to share with you guys something that I learned from this small spiritual journey I underwent through. Something that might sound selfish but it really isn't and well might be of help to you. You gotta learn how to love yourself! You got to know yourself, what makes you who you are! Do you define yourself or does society choose who you are? Learn to trust yourself, your mind and body.Understand them, learn them cause they are what makes you!! Think about it!

Beautiful morning over here! Happy 12-12-12, hope you guys have a good day!!
Merry Christmas ;)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

El Coquito

Coquitos are a traditional holiday puertorrican drink, that is well known among the island.  Its one of my favorite drinks for the holiday and its really easy to make. You may find the recipe similar to that of the eggnog but this one is more tropical and well in my opinion way better! So in this post as a gift from me and VB Productions, we want to give you our own recipe of this wonderful drink!

The materials youll need are as  mentioned below:
1.) 1 can of  Coconut Cream
2.)1 can of Sweet Condensed Milk
3.) 1 can of Evaporated Milk
4.) Cinnamon Sticks
5.) White Rum (Better of P.R. rum)
6.) Empty Glass Botles

1. Open the can of coconut cream, sweet condensed and evaporated mil and pour them in the osterizer. 
2. Grab the cinnamon stick and shave the cinnamon that way you can have a more pure taste of cinnamon for your coquito. If you want to use ground cinnamon then use two tablespoons and put them with the rest of the mix.
3. Mix it all together in the blender and pour how much rum you want your coquito to have and blend it once more.  
4. Once you put the rum and blend it again, pour the now finished coquito onto one of the empty glass bottles and throw a cinnamon stick inside. Close the bottle and shake it. Voila!! Your done making your coquito. Put on the refrigerator for 30 minutes or more ( the colder the better) and enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Wish List

Lets face it, we all still write letters to that imaginary being that wears a big red suit and scream
"ho ho ho" at Christmas eve!! Dont try to hide the fact, yeah im talking to you! All of you write letters of things you want for Christmas so people have an idea of what to buy you right! So yeah that counts as a christmas list!! And who is to judge you?? Me, your parents, your friends, society?? NO!! You sit down and write that letter cause fellow readers, I have one as well!! LOL!! 

All I want for Christmas is:
1. Lord of the Rings Extended Blu-ray edition (cause im a nerd for it and my precious is calling me!! ;))
2. Billabong Surfboard ( Its time for a new one!! Mine is sort of old!!)
3. Red Vans Baseball Jacket ( I love old school and vintage stuff and this will give my soul a bit of vintage nostalgia.)
4. Coffeemaker ( I dont have one and desperately need one to function during my day!)
5. Books ( really dont care what type of books, encyclopedias, novels, their old favorites! Just something new!!)
6. Oakley Frogs ( I love those glasses!!)
7. Vans Shoes ( need new pair mine are about to go bye bye!)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shoes that Bloom

Finally a store that goes with my believes!! The OAT Shoes store believe we are all connected, that's why they have their special brand of shoes. They believe in a future in which mankind & industries re conciliate with nature as one. They state that we come from earth, we grow in it, play around it and die in it. But this past few years we have been ignorant for it. We have been ignoring the fact that every small thing makes a big impact in our planet!! In order to make greener and stylish choices in life, they created this really  cool Eco-friendly sneakers, OAT shoes!!

This shoes are biodegradable but with style. The industry made them that way so that when your ready to get rid of them you can plant them in your backyard and in a matter of six month wildflowers will be blazing and growing in your backyard!! Isn't that beyond amazing!! I believe all shoes should become biodegradable. Sadly they only have stores in Netherlands, Belgium and other parts in Europe, but it wont be soon till they come to the US!! God I want one of those shoes!! 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

World Aids Day 12.1.12

Today December 01, people all around the world will come together as one not only to mark the 24th annual World Aids Day, but to make a difference. People today work together to raise awareness on how to prevent HIV and to ensure they take action. They are also raising hope and helping out those who sadly have already been affected. There are 33 million people infected around the globe by HIV/Aids. There are many lives that have been touch by it and today we can get to zero, one person at a time!

But, how can we do it when we are simply one?? Easy, gather your friend, parents, schools spread the word, tell them of the actions they must take in preventing HIV/AIDS. Do fundraisers that can be of help to HIV/AIDS organizations, and encourage others to do the same. Remember we have 365 days for us, spare one day for others. Focus on others problems and helping out at least one of those days and today could be a good way to start. Make a difference!! If you are intresting in learning and finding more ways on how you can help this cause visit!!