Friday, February 10, 2012

Mesmerizing Sunset

One of the many things I love of my house is its location. It is walking distance to the beach, it is quiet and has one of the most magnificent sunsets I have ever seen. But im guessing that's some of the good things that come with living in an island. 

Sunsets give us a thirst of life. A thirst of wanting to experience more and more of the things the world has to offer. They inspire and sometimes even helps us relax. That is the grandeur of the sunset. 

Photos  ©Christian Bosch 

Every sunset is unique my sunset is different to yours. Thats another great thing about sunsets they never get old. I recommend you all to take some time one day sit back and watch a sunset. Trust me it is a memory you wont forget. Heck! You might even put a bit of music, open a bottle of Ginger ale and chillax! 
And yes thats what I do when I go see sunsets with friends!! :3

1 comment:

  1. Aw that was beautiful & true. I love watching the sunset at Grandpa's place w the full view of the beach. Sunsets are something everyone should take a moment and enjoy.
