Monday, March 4, 2013

Snapshots of a Workaholic!!

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted anything in a long while!! Well that's how it is, there are so many things happening in my life right now but I can assure you that once I have my stuff together ill be back blogging. If your wondering whats keeping me from blogging well ill let you know the universities holding me up.  I've been working with so many things from book fairs, to universities, to interviews, special projects, fixing my old car and more. Hope you enjoy some of the snapshots below of my busy face! Ill come back as soon as im done, got to get ready for Sunday, huge interview!! 

-Working for the  book fair, cause I had to have my beautiful London on the wall!
-DIY Trophy post coming soon and its many uses!! ;)
-Being stalked by alot of universities. 
-Mental Breakdown of a workaholic!
-Galileo Research Paper.
-Three book reports coming up!!
-After a long day competing in a local Regatta we took my sister to try sushi for the first time ever!
-Tuna Rolls and Borinquen & Tropical sushi.
-My sister realizing the simplicity of chopsticks...
-My empty lit. class.
-The things I find in my notebooks.
-Working with the boat.
-My car getting towed to the nearest mechanic! -___-

Hasta la vista!! See you once im done!! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Travel Diaries: Salty Dog Catamaran

 Hey guys!! On Sunday I went on this Catamaran and I have to say it was awesome!
The wind smelled like the sea, you could hear the waves crashing in a distant and the sun could be seen shining high above, Sunday was a good day! If you ever have the chance to travel on a Catamaran I highly recommend you do! But if you want to rent one or go cruising on one then the Salty Dog is a great choice. Its service was great and the quality of food was amazing. I have always traveled on sail boats but I had never in my life ridden a Catamaran before so I guess I already had the opportunity to experience it! 
(And mark it out of my bucket list as well!)


Hola chicos! El domingo fui a este catamaran y tengo que decir que fue increíble!! 
El viento olía como el mar, se podía oír las olas rompiendo en la distancia y el sol podría ser visto brillando en lo alto, el domingo fue un buen día  Si alguna vez tienes la oportunidad de viajar en un catamaran te recomiendo que lo hagas. Pero si usted quiere alquilar uno pues el "Salty Dog" es una gran opción  Su servicio fue excelente y la calidad de comida era increíble  Siempre he viajado en barcos de vela, pero nunca en mi vida había montado un catamaran, así que supongo que ahora puedo decir lo contrario!! ;)

(Logre por lo menos tacharlo de mi lista de cosas de hacer antes de morir!!)

-On our way to Icacos!! 
The Salty Dog tour makes various stops on local islands near P.R. like Palominos, Palominitos, Isla de Lobos and others.

-De camino a Icacos!!
EL "Salty Dog" te lleva a varias islas cercanas de Puerto Rico como Palominos, Palominitos, Isla de Lobo, entre otros.

A beach day is not a beach day if you haven't at least buried someone in the sand or if you haven't done anything with the sand! My people from left to right, Christopher, Judith, Roy, Kiara and Bosch! Oh, and that drink in my hand is a painkiller, a tropicalish kind of alcohol drink! 

Un dia de playas no es un dia de playas si tu no entierras a alguien en la arena! Mis amigos desde la izquierda a la derecha, Christopher, Judith, Kiara & Bosch. Y por si preguntas cual es esa bebida en mi mano, pues es una conocida como "Painkiller" y es un bebida alcohólico con sabor tropical.

We had loads of fun and crazy moments and to finish a great day we saw one of the best sunsets of our lives. 
Taking trips with your friends, family or yourself is a great way to not only learn about yourself but learn to enjoy life and everything that comes with it. If you have the opportunity to even go out on a walk with your friend, or visit your mom in her house do it cause every moment is a moment to cherish. Hope you enjoy the post and if you want to know more about pricing, tours or contact information on Salty Dog, visit their website

Nos divertimos un montón y el día estuvo lleno de momentos cómicos y bellos! Y para terminar el día vimos uno de los atardecer mas lindos de la isla. Haciendo viajes con familiares, amigos o solos es una buena oportunidad para tu conocer mas sobre ti mismo y disfrutar la vida y todo lo que la acompaña. Si tienes la oportunidad de caminar con amigos, o salir con tus padres pues haslo porque esos son momentos que uno en la larga va a recordar mas. Si quieres conocer mas sobre las tarifas, eventos o información acerca el "Salty Dog" visita su site

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Perks of Being Yourself

I wanted to share with all of you guys something intimate. I know most of you have heard of the novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" because your English teacher made you read it or because you saw the movie, well that book is my favorite book of all time. You know those books were you can identify yourself with the characters!? Well that's what happened with this book, the only thing was that a piece of me lies withing each of the characters! I have the fucked up relationship life of Sam, during the day that I read it I was a junior and I could really compare myself with Charlie. Haha I was the shy kid that stood behind the crowd but I grew and met some of the craziest people and all of that changed. I would say Patrick and I are one and the same in so many levels. I love foreign films and classic old music like Marie and I want to study film production! 

The point is we are all young and crazy. We are lost and desperate, but we cant let that ruin who we are! We are young and yes YOLO, we only live once so we have to enjoy those moments. Dont stop yourself from doing the things you want to do. If something bad comes from it, so be it! Learn from it and keep moving on. Learn to live life and close chapters. We have to live life not hate it! All of us will have ups and downs during our life, its inevitable. I really don't care if your gay, budhist  dress weird or a misfit that's who you are and nobody cant take that away from you! I hope whomever is reading this if you are young or an adult apply these and thinks it through! Your not to late to do those things you love or be who you really are. I hope you go out and apply what I tell you and make your change and forgive me for using YOLO i had to! :S 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Casual Friday #OOTD

Well today was a good day! 
Once school ended I decided to go for a stroll on the beach with my brothers and enjoy the view!! I wanted to share with you guys the outfit I wore and I have to say its really simple and cheap but comfortable and it makes you look good on the beach! lol For casual Friday I used a simple polo shirt, simple jeans and simple shoes. That Heineken polo shirt is one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. Dont ask me why, cause I really dont know but it is! I love the fact that its really simple and extremely comfortable and you can use it with any pair of pants shoes, etc!  

Pues bien, hoy fue un buen día!
Una vez que terminaron las clases, decidí ir a dar un paseo en la playa con mis hermanos y disfrutar de la vista! Quería compartir con ustedes el vestuario que llevaba, y tengo que decir que es muy simple y barato, pero cómodo y te hace lucir bien en la playa! hahaha Para viernes casual usé una simple camisa de polo, pantalones simples y zapatos sencillos. Esa camisa polo Heineken es una de mis piezas favoritas en mi armario. No me preguntes por qué, porque yo realmente no sé, pero lo es! Me encanta el hecho de que es realmente sencillo y muy cómoda y se puede utilizar con cualquier par de zapatos pantalones, etc!

Im really not that good with posing and all that stuff, or freeze jump for that matter! I love the beach and the ocean, thats my source of energy. I've been raised on the sea and I traveled the Caribbean with our boat so a heads up to all of you ill be doing lots of #OOTD on the beach! ;)
Btw send me what you guys think of the new design and idea of writing things in both language!!  Thanks for reading~

Realmente no soy tan bueno con poses y todo eso, o salto de congelación para decirles mas! Me encanta la playa y el océano, esa es mi fuente de energía. Me he criado en el mar y he viajado todo el Caribe con nuestro barco por lo tanto un aviso a todos ustedes van a estar viendo un montón de #OOTD en la playa! ;)
Por cierto si pueden por favor envíenme que piensan del nuevo diseño y la idea de escribir las cosas tanto en ingles como en el Español!! Gracias por leer ~

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Snapshots of the Month!

1-Waiting for my ride to get the board on the boat. -__-
 2- Celebrating New Years with our mojitos in Culebra! 
3- Friends sail boat, so purty! 
4- Us returning to P.R.
 5- New Years concert! 
6- Idk! What are snapshots for! ;)
 7-On the set of POTC 5
 8- Let the sun shine on me. 
9- Mango margarita for the end of the  journey from Culebra!

1- Holiday readings! 
2- Its so damn cold in ma house...
3- Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara make a hot couple! 
4- Leftover lunch, chimichangas or so they say.
5- Early thee Kings present
6- I suck doing makeup! But look at the bright side I made my mom look like a guy!
7- Im a happy person...
8. Cause I found the best mints ever made!
9. And that makes me a winner!!
10- My inner animal!! (Im so awkward and yet sexy at the same time!)
11- Real three kings present!! Guess I have lots to read this few month! 
12. Last but not least the smexy Sasha being cute! :3

This coming year is going to be awesome and full of good stuff, I just feel it in every particle within me! I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for reading and following me this far! I really appreciate it and I know 2013 has great things for you as well. I don't know about you but when 2012 left I felt like a huge burden was taken away from me and im taking that as a good omen!! You guys rock and happy late new years and Tuesday!!

Este año que viene va a ser impresionante y lleno de cosas buenas, lo siente en cada partícula dentro de mí! Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a todos por leer y seguir el blog! Se los agradezco mucho y sé que 2013 tiene grandes cosas para ustedes también. Yo no sé, pero cuando se fue 2012 me sentí como si una enorme carga fue levantada de mis hombros y voy a tomar eso como una buena señal! Ustedes son los mejores y feliz martes y año nuevo!

Monday, January 28, 2013

It had to be Blue #OOTD

New #OOTD, what better way to end a Monday!! After a rough and horrible day at school I decided it was time to relax and give myself some me time. This #OOTD was inspired by the blue of my day and the song that helped me go through it, "It had to be you" sang by Frank Sinatra. If you had a hard day listen to Franky and you will be at ease with yourself, trust me!! I ended my day listening to his greatest hits and reading, The Girl who played with Fire (which is KICK-ASS!!) Hope you all had a great Monday and not so blue as mine!! :S

Nuevo #OOTD, qué mejor manera de terminar un lunes!? Después de un día duro y horrible en el colegio decidí que era tiempo de relajarse y darme un poco de tiempo solitario. Este 
OOTD fue inspirado por el día azul y la canción que me ayudó a pasar por ella, "Tenía que ser tú" cantada por Frank Sinatra. Si usted ha tenido un día difícil escuchar a Franky no es una mala idea, confía en mí! Terminé mi día escuchando sus grandes éxitos y leyendo la novela, La Chica que Jugaba con Fuego ( esa novela esta A FUEGO!!) Espero que todos hayan tenido un gran lunes y no tan azul y malo como el mio! :S

What im wearing: 
Light Blue Sweater ( It was a present from my mom which she bought in Gap)
Slim Fit-Medium Wash ( Men21 here)
Rylander Canvas Boat Shoes ( Ralph Lauren Store here
Heineken Backbag ( won at a regatta!) 
Watch and jewelry ( Fossil & local stores) 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unique Tattoo Inspirations!

As a child I stated I would never get a tattoo, because my body wasn't a piece of paper to be drawn on and I just didn't see the point of it. But then I started to grow up and realized that having a tattoo is really not that bad! To have a tattoo is to have some kind of hidden symbol or message in your body, to have a tattoo is to have a piece of art. Its just like zombie boy and his kick-ass tattoos! He started to tattoo himself cause he wanted to expose his body as an art project. Look at him now, his a famous model and has appeared in many runways and music videos. So this past holidays a desire grew within me and made me brainstorm the possibilities of getting a tattoo. I still don't know what designs I want for my tattoo, but I have to say I do like the simple ones. I like the elephants tattoos and the ones of linear art are just beautiful! I guess I wouldn't mind creating my own as well, but if I do in fact get my first tattoo it would be on my right wrist and im really liking the Omega sign! 

Which one do you like the most? What is your thoughts on getting a tattoo and do you have one of your own!?
If you want to read more of Zombie Boy you can click here!
photos via pinterest


Cuando era niño me dije que nunca llegaría a tener un tatuaje porque mi cuerpo no era un pedazo de papel para dibujar y yo simplemente no veía el punto en los tatuajes. Pero luego empecé a crecer y me di cuenta de que tener un tatuaje no es realmente tan malo! Tener un tatuaje es tener algún tipo de símbolo o mensaje oculto en tu cuerpo, tener un tatuaje es tener una obra de arte. Miren a "Zombie Boy" sus tatuajes están en la madre! El empezó a tatuarse el cuerpo porque quiso exponerlo como un proyecto de arte. Mírenlo ahora, es un famoso modelo y ha aparecido en muchos vídeos de música. Así que estas navidades pasadas el deseo de un tener un tatuaje crecía dentro de mí y me hizo pensar en las posibilidades de por fin tener uno. Sigo sin saber qué diseños quiero para mi tatuaje, pero tengo que decir que me gustan los sencillos. Me gustan los tatuajes de los elefantes pero los del arte lineal son simplemente hermoso! Supongo que me gustaría crear mi propio, pero si lo hago en realidad estoy pensando de hacerme mi primer tatuaje en mi muñeca derecha y la verdad que me esta gustando el signo de Omega!

Cual fue el mas que te gusto? Cual es tu opinión en hacerse un tatuaje? 
fotos vía pinterest

Friday, January 18, 2013

My first #OOTD

For the first time I decide to do an #OOTD and I have to say I had a great experience. The sun was shining, the breeze was cold and I had finished doing chores, so I decided to do a fashion post. I hope that in the future I can bring you guys more #OOTD! Hope you enjoy and like some of the changes done to the blog. I also want to give you a heads up for ill be talking more on fashion, art, photography and other topics. VB Productions and I are still working on some changes but in the meantime will be blogging away! Hope you had great holiday vacations!! 


Por primera vez decidí hacer un #OOTD y tengo que decirles que tuvimos una gran experiencia. El sol brillaba, la brisa era fría y había terminado de hacer las tareas domésticas, así que decidí hacer un post de la moda. Espero que en el futuro pueda traerles mas #OOTD! Espero que les haya gustado algunos de los cambios realizados en el blog y el post. También quiero avisarles que estaré hablando más acerca de la moda, el arte, la fotografía y otros temas. VB Productions y yo todavía estamos trabajando en algunos cambios, mientras tantos seguiré posting mas cosas! Espero que hayan tenido unas estupendas vacaciones de navidades y muchas felicidades en el año nuevo!

What im wearing:

Black Knit Three-Button Blazer-Banana Republic
I love NY-Ebay
Matix Nigel Black Jeans-PacSun
Black Converse-Journeys 
Wayfare Sunglasses & Vintage Watch- Presents