Monday, April 30, 2012

Titanic Belfast

I finally saw Titanic!! I know it sounds crazy, but truth is I had never seen Titanic from beginning to end. I always would see the epic sinking scene to the moment where Jacks is frozen and then I would just whine up doing something else. But now I have seen it completely and I have to say I now know why it was such a success. The attention to details, the music, the romance, the effects, all of this was brought together in this movie. I am now a Titanic lover and see why, to this day, it is still remembered.  So I did some research on the history of Titanic and came across a webpage for a museum they where building in Ireland. Let me tell you it is beautiful and really awesome!!

The exterior of the museum itself leaves you impressed!! Did you know that the size and structure of the angular structure is the same size as Titanic's hull. The museum has different rooms, that go in order from the construction of the Titanic to that ill fated moment. It includes a ride in the shipyard room, a replica of the Grand Staircase and a light show! This is a must for all Titanic lovers, and not only will you be learning and enjoying the rich architecture of the museum but you will be helping the city itself as well. So get your coats ready cause we are going to Ireland! 

"You jump I jump!"

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