Monday, April 30, 2012

Titanic Belfast

I finally saw Titanic!! I know it sounds crazy, but truth is I had never seen Titanic from beginning to end. I always would see the epic sinking scene to the moment where Jacks is frozen and then I would just whine up doing something else. But now I have seen it completely and I have to say I now know why it was such a success. The attention to details, the music, the romance, the effects, all of this was brought together in this movie. I am now a Titanic lover and see why, to this day, it is still remembered.  So I did some research on the history of Titanic and came across a webpage for a museum they where building in Ireland. Let me tell you it is beautiful and really awesome!!

The exterior of the museum itself leaves you impressed!! Did you know that the size and structure of the angular structure is the same size as Titanic's hull. The museum has different rooms, that go in order from the construction of the Titanic to that ill fated moment. It includes a ride in the shipyard room, a replica of the Grand Staircase and a light show! This is a must for all Titanic lovers, and not only will you be learning and enjoying the rich architecture of the museum but you will be helping the city itself as well. So get your coats ready cause we are going to Ireland! 

"You jump I jump!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Setting a Journey

I have been thinking of something lately and that is the fact that I have never fulfilled a journey before. I have never set my self to do something for me. I want to do something that I like and in the end it wont make me feel superior or smarter. It will only make me feel proud of myself.  So, I have come up with this idea in creating a journey for me to fulfill. The idea is to surf on all of the surfing spots in Puerto Rico. Once I get to surf and enjoy my time in each surf spot, I will take a picture of the area. Sort of like Blue Crush 2, in which the girls go through all of the surfing spots her mom surf to and took pictures with a Polaroid Camera. Once the picture came out she would place them in a map and would slowly start to feel it up. 

That is basically what I am going to do here in PR. Not now but soon, first I need to organize this and then keep training. So that I could start the journey in July. So many things are happening right now, and I just need to get my mind out of it all. Im tired of it, thats the reason for this journey. This is something that I really want to do and in the end when family members, friends and or other people ask me, "Why are you doing this?" 
I will answer, "For me." 

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Croissant

Lately I have been having this obsession with croissants. Every time I pass through a pastry I ask for a croissant and not long ago I tried making croissants. How did that go? Well after several tries, I managed to make that croissant that just leaves you wanting for more. 
The Croissant was born possibly the year 1838 or 1839, when an Austrian Officer came across a Viennese Bakery that served kipferl. Now, kipferl was what inspired the croissant!! For those french imitators started baking kipferl and because of the crescent shape it formed, decided to named it Croissant.

Thats when the croissant started to become renown around all of France. Nowadays bakers have played with the original croissant recipe and found other ways to mix in other tastes. For example we have ham and cheese croissant, chocolate filled croissant and many more. Hopefully Ill try all of the croissants the world has to offer and I will do it with pleasure. Therefore here is the recipe I used to bake my croissants (recipe).
If you burn them its OK, that happens and if you don't burn them the first time do not comment!! Hahaha Cause I accidently burnt mines!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Sometimes life throws something at us. Mocking us, making us weak and sometime we let life get on with it. I say we should stop that. We shouldn't stay mourning, crying, scared or hidden! We should raise our voice be heard! Do what we love, be who  we are no matter what. Life will always find a way to screw things up. So we might as well enjoy it the way we want to. Dont wait for the last minute regretting all that you did in life which was basically nothing. Dont be scared get out there and just listen. Listen to that small beat, the one that's really quiet, the one inside you and do what it tells you to do! Follow your hearts, your guts ,your brains ,find the balance, enjoy life, makes mistake, waste time, love, break apart, get back together and be yourself. 
Do all of this for you and in the end write it all down and never forget, that beautiful time you had on the world God gave you to enjoy.