Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Zone Free of Discrimination

The world everyone lives in is so captivating and strange. Its haunting and beautiful. Its broken but its getting fixed and its full of mysteries and life. But one of the most captivating things in this world are the beautiful creatures that live there. Those fragile and yet strong creatures have come to  be known as humans. They have endured so many challenges since the beginning of time. They have endured extreme weathers, plagues,  wild environment, wars, different kingdoms and heritage, different will of power and prosperity, loss and many more things. Those events that are marked in worlds history books or encyclopedias have been overcome by people of different races, sexual orientation or physical status. 

Alexander the Great, great leader that brought the Greek empire to its golden glory and helped bring prosperity in many ways, like science, jobs, land, etc. As we all know he had several wife's but some of his true lovers were actually men. Especially his best friend Hephasteon. Does the world go on discriminating him of his attraction and feelings toward men? NO! (Maybe his few wife's  But either way, NO!!) Other great leaders are Mitchel Obama. She is black, do you think that stops her from moving forward and working hard for our country? No, oh but it gets better just the fact that she is a woman and black is enough prove of why my blog is a free discrimination zone!! Mitchel does an even harder work than men and focuses on ending what she started. This things are subject that human beings don't grasp. 

Don't judge a book by its cover! If you haven't had the decency to even read or browse the summary of the book. If the world sets apart their difference, there is this inner spark that kindles this small hope of progress and evolution inside of me. A change that can be for the better of this world and for the better future. Thats why im taking the step and announcing that this blog is as stated in the top in perfect Latin,  ZONA LIBRE DE DISCRIMINATION (Zone free of Discrimination!!)

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