Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Rockefeller Center’s Urban Secret

New York is a vast and strong city that's full of energy and life.But withing this city that is overcrowded with buildings and art there are some hidden treasures. Those treasures remain hidden and in some rare occasions they are open for the public to see. For example we have the Rockefeller Center's hidden rooftop garden. As we may all know the Rockefeller Center is a huge commercial building spanning the area between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue. When the center was first erected, developers John R. Todd and Raymond Hood wanted to have something pleasant for the passerby's and workers to see when walking around the building and they felt as if a garden would be the best option. 

Just looking at the beautiful pictures from below you can see that they took their sweet time building that garden. This is not just a , lets throw some soil and seeds and wait for it to grow type of garden. This gardens was created by landscape architect Ralph Hancock, the gardens' elaborates fountains, stone planters and fauna not commonly found in a rooftop garden. But then again this is the Rockefeller Center. Hopefully when your traveling to N.Y. you will be able to visit this gardens yourself and marvel at their beauties!

"Gardens are a form of autobiography."

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