Thursday, March 1, 2012

DIY Photo Time-Capsule

I recently read this great article on Photojojo, about using a disposable camera as a time capsule. I have never had the chance to do a time capsule project but seeing how simple and fun this project seems I might as well give it a try! Apparently when you take pictures with your disposable camera and leave it for a couple of years. Once you develop the film your pictures will have this lomographish and retroish effect on them. Isn't that interesting!? Here are the steps to do this easy DIY Project!

STEP 1: Buy a cheap disposable camera.

STEP 2: Take your disposable camera everywhere you go for a week, or on a vacation. Take pictures of all your friends. Fill it up with photos.

STEP 3: Write your name, address, phone, email, today’s date, and the words “Photo Time Capsule! Develop me in a few years” on the camera. Sock it in a drawer.

STEP 4: Let time pass. Move in and out of relationships, jobs, apartments. Find happiness and live life fully.

STEP 5: Rediscover camera in some dusty box, bookshelf, or corner. Develop it.

STEP 6: Admire the odd stains and scratches on the photos you get back. Marvel at what your sepia-toned life was once like. Sigh, smile.

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