Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Book Review: Cloud Atlas

What if our souls reincarnated? What if our past lives way of life, thinking and doing stuff affected who we are today? What if we fall in love and when reincarnated we find this person once more??
Those are the "what if" questions that I have been asking myself when reading Cloud Atlas. Cloud Atlas is a novel written by David Mitchel. The novel is composes of six different stories that intertwine one way or another throughout the story. At first it might be a bit slow and it might loose you but once you start to click together the pieces of puzzle together it will take your breath away. 

David Mitchel managed to write a great  original science fiction that reveals how desperate people connect, how their fates intertwine and how their souls travel in time and stumble upon one another in a future. He manage to play with your mind with great philosophical and scientific speculation and in the end leaves you wondering and asking questions about the subjects he touches(like the ones I had!) I really liked the book and I believe you should all read it. I also believe they were making a movie out of it guess ill have to do a bit of research on that. But this being my first review of a book I would have to give it a pure four star out of four star!! Cause I really loved it! 


  1. I want it! Where did you get it??

  2. I got it for the nook! But its in amazon and other online stores!
